Janez Dolenc
Drugi bas
Member 1964 – 2011
He was one of the founding members of the singing group Fantje s Praprotna. He was born in the village of Praprotno in the Selška valley, right in the Kazina inn, where young boys have met and sang regularly in the evenings.
He was a mechanical technician and was regularly employed at the Iskra Rateče factory. He was also a member of the hunting family and sang at the hunting choir. He often staged the adventures of the Green Brotherhood in sketches at the performances of the Lojze Slak Ensemble. So it is no wonder that the walls of his home, in addition to Slak's gold plates, are also adorned with hunting trophies.
(July 20, 1938, Praprotno - September 30, 2019, buried in Selce nad Škofjo Loko)